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Munters Corporation Receives Intel’s Preferred Quality Supplier Award

giu 26, 2014

Munters Corporation has been recognized as one of 17 companies receiving Intel Corporation’s Preferred Quality Supplier (PQS) award for their performance in 2012. Munters Corporation is recognized for their significant contributions providing Intel with VOC abatement and energy efficient air handling equipment, deemed essential to Intel’s success.

“Munters is once again proud to receive the prestigious PQS award from Intel. It is further recognition of Munters being a global leader in energy-efficient air treatment solutions for demanding applications and our commitment to continuous improvement with Intel. This acknowledgement of our quest to provide our customers with the perfect climate fuels our spirit for innovation,” said Lars Engström, CEO of Munters Group. “Congratulations to Munters Corporation for winning the 2012 Preferred Quality Supplier award. The Supplier Company team has consistently demonstrated commitment and consistent support to the challenges we present them each year. For the past few years, they have approached our velocity, value engineering and ESG goals aggressively and performed to them exceptionally,” said Intel executive, Jeff Grillo, Intel Corporation.

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