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Munters Plastic Gutter (MPG)

Haz 28, 2019

Munters is proud to announce the introduction of the innovative Munters Plastic Gutter (MPG), the new glue-free and click-in water distribution system for CELdek (paper) Pads or RCP Cool Pads (plastic).

The innovative ideas behind MPG are simplicity, durability and no-brainer system:

  • Glue-free system gets rid of:
    • 24 hours drying time during installation
    • Cracks due thermal contraction or expansion and consequent leakage
    • Maintenance to re-apply glue due to wrong installation or cracks
  • Built-in and double wall tank:
    • No need to dig an extra hole
    • More stable and robust than classic single wall tank (patent pending)
    • Better resistance to thermal contraction/expansion that competitors’ gutter systems
  • Click-in system with honey comb pad support:
    • Easy to install
    • Easy to inspect and clean
    • Easy to replace pad
    • Avoid clogging (63% more free area than competitors)
    • Guarantees longer period between maintenance than standard gutter system
  • Plastic system:
    • Corrosion proof, longer service life that traditional metal systems
    • UV stabilized high quality PP, PVC materials
    • Resistant to aggressive detergents and disinfectants

The MPG is ideal for all kind of applications (poultry, swine, dairy and greenhouse) and climate zones where evaporative cooling applications are used (-10/+40°C).

Currently, the MPG is designed for 150mm (6inch) CELdek or RCP CoolPad for installation up to 2.5 meters height.

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