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Here are some of the many awards that Munters has received.

Best Data Centre Energy Solution Award for Oasis® IECBest Data Centre Energy Solution Award

Munters is delighted to be awarded 'Best Data Centre Energy Solution' for Oasis® IEC at Datacloud Asia 2018.

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Industry Energy Innovation in Data Centres Award

The Munters team are proud to receive an award at the 2017 Europe Datacloud Awards for “Industry Energy Innovation” recognising the best in data centre and cloud.

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SHD Logistics Award

Solids, Handling and Distribution (SHD) Logistics Innovation Award goes to Munters Drytainer, making the product a double innovation award winner!

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Global Freight Innovation Award

The award recognises new products which approach everyday freight transport in new ways. 

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Future Thinking & Design Concepts Award

Munters, Gardners DC Solutions & DigiPlex win Future Thinking & Design Concepts Award - DataCentreDynamics. 
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Health & Safety Award

Munters WIN Associate Award for IceDry solution which prevents frost and ice in cold storage facilities thus reduces accidents.
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Farm Innovation Award

Munters won the Farm Innovation Award – Poultry at Agra Middle East in 2013 for Euroemme® EC52 cone fan, created with high air moving capacity and decreased power consumption specifically designed to fit the poultry industry.
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Spanish Environment Award

Munters Spain among the top 20 sustainable companies awarded the “Crea Medioambiente Certification” for its commitment with the Environment and Energy Efficiency.
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German data center prize

Munters attended a German data center competition. Munters won first prize for OASIS™ Indirect Evaporative Cooler in the air conditioning and cooling category in 2014.

Intel awards for Zeolite Concentrator

The Zeolite Concentrator has received the Intel Preferred Quality Supplier Award (2012, 2013) and Intel Supplier Continuous Quality Improvement Award (2008, 2009)

Agromek prize

Munters horizontal air cleaner which reduces ammonia from swine and poultry buildings received one out of two prizes for swine at Agromek 2012, in Denmark.
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Energy Award at Kinnegar

Munters help Ministry of Defence win energy award at Kinnegar. 
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AHR Expo Innovation Awards

Honorable Mention for DryCool ERV in 2009.
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H2O LiquidAir son the AHR Expo Award in 2005


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