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Consensus estimates

Consensus is based on earnings estimates made by equity analysts covering Munters.

The Munters complied analyst consensus is solely based on input from ABG Sundal Collier, Berenberg, Carnegie, Jefferies, KeplerCheuvreux, Nordea, Pareto Securities and SEB (jointly called “Participating Financial Analysts”). The estimates below are updated before and after publication of Munters interim reports.

Any opinions, estimates or forecasts with reference to Munters performance made by the analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Munters or its management.

Analysts’ estimates are summarized and made available by Modular Finance.


Q Order intake, consensus


Q Net sales, consensus


Q EBITA margin, consensus


Consensus table, Q


Y Net sales, consensus


Y EBITA margin, consensus


EPS, consensus


Consensus table, Y


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