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Oca 16

Dairy Strong 2024

Oca 16 09:00 - Oca 18 18:00

Dairy Strong has been the premier event for dairy farmers and other industry professionals for almost a decade.

It'll be held Jan. 16-18 at Monona Terrace in Madison, Wis, and farmers, processors and partners will come together to learn, network, celebrate, and discuss challenges and opportunities.

The theme for the eighth annual conference will be “Local presence, global reach.”

For forward-thinking farmers, processors and others who are such an integral part of our economy, rural communities, and food system, Dairy Strong has always been a forward-looking experience.

Monona Terrace,1 John Nolen Dr - Madison, Wisconsin
January 16-18, 2024


  • EKİ01


    World Dairy Expo

    Munters will be exhibiting at World Dairy Expo. Find us in Booth EH 3601

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