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Integrated Evaporative Cooling Solutions


Solution Partner

As the founder of evaporative cooling media over 60 years ago, Munters is uniquely positioned to serve the needs of OEM’s. As a result of our decades of experience working across many different industries and applications requiring evaporative cooling, we understand the needs of your customers and the challenges you face to meet those needs. Whether you are in need of media (pads), a complete turnkey system, or one designed to seamlessly integrate into an AHU, we are here to help you deliver a high quality, long-lasting product, on time.


Evaporative Cooling Media

All Munters media is GREENGUARD Gold certified.


  • High cooling efficiency
  • High face velocity
  • Low pressure drop
  • Self-cleaning
  • Simple to maintain 




GLASdek® GX30AirTech_GLASdek_Media_200px.jpg

  • Fire-rated
  • High evaporative efficiency
  • Max. face velocity
  • Low pressure drop
  • Algae and weather resistant
  • Scrubbable to extend service life



GLASdek® GX40 is ceramic-coated with outstanding performance and life-cycle cost. It is provided in cassettes that are tailored for use with Munters FA6™ direct evaporative cooling system. GLASdek GX40 is only available for purchase as part of the FA6 or to replace expired GX40 in a FA6 system.







Evaporative Coolers and Humidifiers


FA6™ direct evaporative cooling and humidifying system is a high-performance, low operating cost solution available in a wide range of sizes designed for integration into air-handling systems.






WETdek® combines nature's process of evaporation with Munters exclusive features providing precise temperature and humidity control in a turnkey evaporative cooling and humidifying system.


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