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What are the available lightning protection and stability options?

The Munters RPLP-1 provides lightning protection to Munters Controllers. Refer to the RPLP-1 documentation for detailed wiring instructions. While no lightning protection is perfect, the RPLP-1 significantly enhances the reliability of built-in lightning protection. In addition, Munters recommends using the RiT-50 Isolation Transformer in front of the RPLP-1 to help block lightning and other transients.

Connecting an RPLP to a Munters Controller

The following diagram illustrates how to wire the RPLP Lightening Protector and power equipment (such as fans or heaters) to a controller. The drawing below shows a SMART-C card. However, the principles apply to the Munters AC-2000 and Pig Guard Controllers.

CAUTION To ensure proper operation, verify that power to the controller is via the RPLP ONLY! Power to the contactors (1 or 3 phase) and the variable fan must come directly from the power line.

Connecting an RPLP and RiT-50 to a Rotem Controller

The following diagram illustrates how to wire the RPLP Lightening Protector, RIT-50 Isolation Transformer and power equipment (such as fans or heaters) to a controller. The drawing below shows a SMART-C card. However, the principles apply to the Munters AC-2000 and Pig Guard Controllers.

CAUTION To ensure proper operation, verify that power to the controller is via the RPLP and RIT-50 ONLY! Power to the contactors (1 or 3 phase) and the variable fan must come directly from the power line.

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