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Controladores e acessórios de automação

AirC Connect

AirC Connect allows you to experience effortless remote climate management for your Munters dehumidifier. Monitor and adjust temperature and humidity settings, schedule operations, receive personalized alarms and access both live and historical data - all from your desktop or mobile device.


  • User-friendly and responsive interface offers immediate access and overview of your installed equipment for remote monitoring
  • Individual real-time alarm settings on all reported values and personalized settings of notifications via e-mail or SMS
  • Browse data like temperature, humidity, airflow, speed and pressure in real-time
  • Schedule operation hours and settings to optimize energy consumption and create tailored templates with different setpoints and fan mode
  • Visualize plot history in graphs and export historical data
  • Adjust setpoints for humidity and temperature
  • Record user activity like setpoint changes and on/ off activity

Produtos dessa série

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AirC ConnectVisualizar

TítuloTipoIdiomaLink para download
AirC Connect -Terms of Use MyMunters services.pdfAdditionalManualinglêsVisualizar
AirC Connect Cyber Security-EN-202410.pdfotheringlêsVisualizar