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Munters turns 60

kwi 27, 2015

Munters celebrates 60 years of innovation around the world


When Carl Munters founded his company in 1955, he brought with him years of experience working on innovative solutions for how air can be best cooled, dehumidified and optimised for people and industry. The company he formed has now grown into a global corporation with 2600 employees in over 30 countries.

Today, Munters is a global leader in energy-efficient solutions for optimising the air. The technology is often key to the customers and can also be part of the solution to many of the biggest challenges facing society. One example is the need to reduce the world's energy consumption in the future to be able to stop global warming. Energy-efficient solutions for proper cooling and moisture are an important part of this.


"There are many industries where we see the potential to accomplish a lot with our technology. For example, the world's food production needs to both increase and become more efficient in the future as the population grows. Otherwise, there is a risk of food shortages and the climate impact from production becoming too great. The challenge is that many of today's cooling solutions consume far too much energy and are not as optimised for food production as they could be," says John Peter Leesi, Munters CEO.

Click here to learn more about our history

Carl Munters

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