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The Board of Directors of Munters exercises authorisation for repurchase of own shares to secure the company’s commitments under the incentive programme

jul 17, 2019 18:22

The Board of Directors of Munters Group AB (“Munters”) has resolved, pursuant to the authorisation granted by the Annual General Meeting held on 8 May 2019, to repurchase Munters shares on Nasdaq Stockholm. The purpose of the repurchases is to secure the delivery of shares to the participants of Munters’ long-term incentive programme which was resolved by the Annual General Meeting 2019, and to cover costs related to the programme.

The repurchases may commence on 19 July 2019 and end no later than 23 September 2019 and will be administrated by Nordea Bank Abp, which, based on the trading order given by Munters to Nordea Bank Abp, will make trading decisions independently of Munters with regard to the timing of the repurchase.

The repurchases may in total comprise a maximum of 385,000 shares on one or several occasions and shall be made on Nasdaq Stockholm in accordance with its Rule Book for Issuers. The repurchases will be made at a price per share within the from time to rime registered trading interval. Payment for the shares will be made in cash. Reporting will be made through the stock exchange in accordance with applicable rules.

The total number of shares in Munters is 183,597,802 and at the time of this press release the company holds 1,467,000 own shares. In the event share repurchases are executed in full, the company will hold shares representing approximately 1.0 per cent of the issued shares in the company.

For further information, please contact:

Johan Ek, CEO

Phone: +46 706 78 24 99

John Womack, Head of Investor Relations

Tel: +46 70 678 24 99

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