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Munters donates masks to fight coronavirus

jun 8, 2020

Munters is donating masks to support countries in their fight against the coronavirus. A total of 9,800 masks have been distributed to seven locations.

In Tierp, Sweden, 1,400 masks have been handed out to health services that mainly support the elderly.

“An incredibly valuable contribution that will come in handy in our operations,” Ulrika Stjerngren, Area Manager for Disabled Care, told Upsala Nya Tidning, the local newspaper.

In Virgina, USA, the same amount of masks (1,400) has been donated to a local hospital and various fire and police departments. And in Italy, Munters has supported local hospitals in Imperia with the much-needed protective gear.

Support that makes a difference

In the UK, Munters received a letter from the local National Health Service (NHS) thanking the company for the generous donation.

“Our staff have been truly heartened by the way our local communities have come together to support them and the volunteers in our hospitals,” Caroline Walker, Chief Executive of the North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, wrote. “We have been overwhelmed with all of the donations we have received, including yours.

“Now, more than ever, we are proud to be part of this community, standing together in this national crisis. Your support has made a real difference to our staff; both in practical and emotional terms. On behalf of the staff across the whole Trust I wanted to write to you and say a personal thank you.”

Stefan Måhl, Vice President of Strategic Operations at Munters, adds: “We made a collective decision to support the communities in which we operate. It’s very satisfying to see that the masks have been well received around the world."

For more information about how we support the communities in which we operate, click here.

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