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Munters helps feed the world

1 1, 2020

The biggest challenge agriculture is facing is that the population of the world is growing but there is no more land to plow. By the year 2050 we need to produce 60% more food. But there is only land available to produce 20% of that need. The other 80% needs to come from being more efficient. And that is our challenge: to be able to produce so much more food.

We are a complete system provider, we offer a full line of fans, air inlets, evaporative cooling systems, and environmental controls. We are not only a pad & fan company, we stand on a huge platform of R&D and production surface and a worldwide distribution network: we cover agriculture globally with dealers in 100 countries, have facilities in 15 countries and 700 employees dedicated to agriculture.

If we look at our footprint around the world, our best calculation says that 1 in 7 times that you eat a meal there is going to be a product on your plate that has been touched by Munters. That is exactly what we are: knowledgeable and passionate people that really care about bringing good food to the world’s tables.

Munters is providing not only system solutions for climate control but also we can do it much more efficiently for the farmer and the distributor. High quality products that keep what they promise, cause less hassle for the dealer and increased profit and better animal health for the end-user and farmer. 

Watch the extended version of the video to learn more

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