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Secure uptime and quality in meat processing

Secure uptime and quality in meat processing

The solution? Optimized dehumidification. Eliminate excess plant moisture, improve meat quality – regardless of plant pace and size by upgrading to the latest Munters desiccant dehumidification technology.

문터스의 육류생산과정에서의 다른점

  • How dehumidification improves quality

    How dehumidification improves quality

    With meat packing plant pressure to process faster than ever, how do you ensure quality? Industrial dehumidifiers reduce sanitation cycles by quickly removing condensation, but they also accelerate processing, improving quality while optimizing output.

  • Control climate to maximize uptime

    Control climate to maximize uptime

    Uncontrolled humidity can cause maintenance delays and shutdowns. But you can control facility humidity and even increase production with Munters dehumidification solutions.

  • Savings on all sides

    Savings on all sides

    Whether as a stand-alone solution, or working in conjunction with your existing HVAC system, industrial dehumidifiers ensure your system works more efficiently by optimizing refrigeration performance – ultimately reducing energy and operating costs.

  • Munters desiccant dehumidification

    Munters desiccant dehumidification

    Munters desiccant dehumidification systems consistently remove moisture from your meat processing plant air. Condensation is removed, quality, uptime and working conditions are improved.

A success story about dehumidification solution

Condensation began to disappear within hours of starting the Munters system.

“Since installing the dehumidification equipment, we have not had to hang plastic or have the usual two people per shift to control condensation. We don´t need to dry the ceilings in the morning following sanitation“

Mike Hanson, Complex Manager at Tyson Foods.

왜 문터스 회사를 선택해야 합니까?

수십년 제습업에서의 앞선 경험으로 우리는 고객에게 최고의 서비스와 솔루션을 제공합니다.

우리는 고객의 요구에 가장 적합한 솔루션을 선택하는 것부터 프리미엄 장비가 최적의 수준으로 작동하도록 지원하는 데 이르기까지 전체 과정을 안내할 것입니다.

업계에서의 최고수준의 제습솔루션. 최고품질의 부품. 평생 서비스

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