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Preparing for the cold season with the Heat-X heaters

With a new air heating concept, we introduce the Heat-X type G heater, especially developed for applications in poultry houses and greenhouses. The technology is based on a heating concept that has been successfully implemented in the market for several years.

Energy saving is one of the main benefits of using the Heat-X type G heater due to the fact that it is equipped with a closed combustion chamber, therefore no CO2 (carbon dioxide) is added from fuel combustion in the farm, consequently less ventilation rates are needed to sustain the perfect climate. Hence, the total installed heating capacity is reduced and so the total gas consumption is decreased for up to 23% compared to traditional heating systems.

No CO2 inside the farm allows the farmers to increase the stocking density from 33kg/m2 to 39kg/m2, according to Directive 2007/43/EU (CO2 < 3000ppm) therefore higher productivity per flock.

The closed combustion chamber means also that no water vapour (H2O) is added from the fuel combustion in the farm, consequently the litter is dryer, manure is reduced and ammonia levels decreased. Hence, the environment in the farm becomes healthier, preventing diseases like Podo, sickness and mortality rates go down, the output per flock increases.

The reduced energy costs and better animal performance make the installation of Heat-X type G heaters very attractive, return of investments can be realised within 3 years.

Safety and reliability is also a major concern for the farmers but the Heat-X type G working principle is “no open flame” therefore insurance cost is lowered due to the reduced risk of fire. The burner is supplied always with clean and fresh air from outside through the chimney system, making the combustion clean and stable.  There is no risk of dirt and dust going inside the burner like conventional heating systems with “open flame” therefore less maintenance is required and less trouble for the farmer.

In summary these are the main benefits of using Heat-X type G heating solution:

  • Provides superior comfort of livestock
  • Clean- and Dry-burning heater, no exhaust gases in the farm and up to 15% lower humidity
  • Energy saving up to 25% due to lower ventilation rates and gas consumption
  • Maintenance-friendly easy service due to error code display
  • Lower insurance cost, lower cost of ownership
  • Hygiene-friendly, easy to clean due to large openings
  • Tranquility and piece of mind

In addition, we introduce also the conventional heating solution Heat-X type DG (DG stands for direct gas fired) characterized by robust and reliable technology, matured several years in the field. The units are equipped with intelligent control boards that give status feedback on display at any time. In case of flame failure, the control board allows 3 automatic re-starts guaranteeing a safe and reliable operation. Every hour, the control board performs a self-check thus minimizing the risk of troubleshooting. An interface control board may be used to connect up to 8 units for Zone control with extensive types of connections including Reset function, Outputs “failure” signal, output “in operation” signal, etc.

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