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People and society

Employee engagement is the foundation for a thriving business. We create employee engagement by offering an inclusive culture marked by diversity, collaboration, and opportunities for personal growth. Our employees’ health and well-being are always top of mind and we have zero tolerance for workplace accidents. We work collaboratively to benefit our local communities.

An equal and inclusive work environment

A just and inclusive work environment is important for our employees to stay engaged, enjoy their work and develop professionally. Diversity gives us different perspectives and valuable insight that improves our company and our offering.

Gender equality

At Munters, we have a strategic goal that women should account for 30% in our workforce and in leadership positions by 2030. 

During 2023, we continued to focus on hiring more qualified women to leadership positions. We strive to always have at least one qualified female final candidate for managerial positions. It’s also important that we offer a healthy culture with a good work-life balance and flexibility in where and when work is performed. 

In 2021, we joined the Target Gender Equality program, which supports participating companies of the UN Global Compact in setting and reaching ambitious targets for women’s representation and leadership. We use the Women’s Empowerment Principles Gender Gap Analysis Tool, for instance, to assess our current practices. 

In 2023, Munters teamed up with EngineerGirl, a US program that encourages girls and women to pursue careers in engineering. The partnership is a crucial step in our ongoing commitment to fostering a more diverse workforce. 

Safety in the workplace

Munters has zero tolerance for workplace accidents and all incidents that require medical assistance are followed up and reported monthly to management. We conduct systematic risk assessments of the production facilities to preventatively increase the focus on health and safety. Among the areas included are fire safety, waste and chemical management, and electrical installations. All units are evaluated on a rolling three-year schedule. 

Munters does not permit child labor and individuals under the age of 18 may not work the night shift or perform hazardous duties. Forced labor is strictly forbidden. Munters respects the right to unionize and negotiate collectively. Employees may not be subjected to corporal punishment, physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse.

Health and well-being

Munters offers a culture that has a good work-life balance and flexibility for where and when the work is done. We have an occupational health and safety program called STOP (Safety Training Observation Program). The program aims to create a safe and healthy work environment that minimizes the risk of hazards, injuries, and negative environmental impacts. The program comprises all processes and positions, including subcontractors and visitors at our production facilities. It includes analysis, preventive measures, and training. 


Incentive program tied to sustainability

Through the Long-Term Incentive Program (LTIP), we evaluate not only how well we are meeting our financial targets, but also how well we as a company, are for example increasing the share of renewable electricity in our factories, the share of
women leaders, and service growth.

Community engagement 

By cooperating with our local communities, we can attract both customers and potential employees. Community projects create pride and engagement among our employees, which in turn creates value for Munters. Read more here


Progress 2023

Percentage of employees, women

We aim to increase the share of women in our workforce. The target is 30% by 2025.



Outcome 2022: 21%
Outcome 2021: 22%

Percentage of leaders*, women

We aim to increase the share of women leaders. The target is 30% by 2025.

*with salary-setting responsibilities




Outcome 2022: 22%
Outcome 2021: 21%

Total Recordable Incident Rate* (TRIR)

Munters strives to eliminate all accidents in production, which we measure by TRIR.

*The Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) is the number of accidents where the employee had to seek medical assistance multiplied by 200,000/number of hours worked.



Outcome 2022: 1.8
Outcome 2021: 1.7

Read more on page 68 of our Annual & Sustainability report

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The activities that Munters carries out in the area of people and society support the following areas in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:


More about the SDGs and how we contribute to sustainable development.

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