
Virhe occursed kun lähettää viestin, yritä myöhemmin uudelleen


touko 13

AABC Europe

touko 13 10.00 - touko 16 16.30

From 13 - 16 May, AABC Europe in Strasbourg, France brings together a global audience of battery technologists and their key suppliers for a must-attend week of development trends, breakthrough technologies and predictions of the market for years to come.

During the AABC Europe 2024 we will inform about the Munters solutions for Low Dew Point Humidity Control for Battery R&D and Production. Our battery experts are available to discuss any requirement you may have. Meet us directly at AABC in Mainz or contact us via email.

For more information about the AABC and the entire congress program, visit the organizer's website: http://www.advancedautobat.com/europe/

We are looking forward to your visit at our booth 503!


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