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Munters newsletter for March 2016

Earlier Newsletter

March 21st 2016

Kinnard dairy farm video

Kinnard dairy farm is the largest dairy building for milk cows in the world. Kinnard farm chose to install Munters products based on Munters' high quality products and the great experience in the field.

Munters customer testimonial video

Here are some testimonials from some of our customers from layer, broiler and dairy farms.

Munters CELdek® now certified with Greenguard Gold by UL

The Greenguard certification now covers CELdek pads sold in United States, Mexico, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Korea and Japan. 

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Dairy Farm in Kazakhstan

The climate in Atyrau, Kazakhstan in the summer is hot and the temperatures can reach up to 45°C. That caused heat stress to the cows and therefore reduced the milk production. Munters offered a complete climate control solution to solve the problem.

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