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Retrofit and upgrade for VOC abatement equipment

Enhance the performance of your equipment

Munters’ VOC abatement equipment is custom-built to meet the specific requirements of the facilities where it is used. Due to the size and relative complexity of these solutions, VOC customers often prefer retrofit solutions over product replacement. Our highly skilled service technicians are trained to help you with everything from wheel (rotor), programmable logic controller (PLC) and burner upgrades to complete unit refurbishments.

Our retrofit and upgrade services for VOC abatement systems include:

  • Energy-saving upgrades
  • Unit upgrades
  • Unit re-rates
  • Adjustments for new VOC mixtures
  • Rotor replacements
  • PLC upgrades
  • Burner and gas train upgrades
  • Oxidizer upgrades
  • MRHA blocks
  • Replacement of other rotor makes
  • Troubleshooting