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Portable dehumidifiers

ComDry NX

Munters proudly introduces the thoroughly upgraded Munters ComDry NX series with new controller including Modbus and hardwire communication – an extremely reliable and portable dehumidifier range with superior drying capacity, lightweight design, and 20% greater energy efficiency than most competitors. All units feature a plug-and-play control system with a graphic display, powerful drive motor, AirC Wireless connectivity, service alerts, and kWh meter. These best-in-class dehumidifiers create the perfect climate in various applications.


  • Compact and lightweight
  • Advanced controller with Modbus
  • Humidity and temperature sensor
  • kWh and other hour counters
  • Energy efficient
  • Options for Munters AirC Wireless remote control and sensors

Products in this series

ModelW x D x H (mm)Weight (kg)Operating temperature range (°C)Maximum airflow (m3/h)Product sheetUser manual
ComDry NX M160L445 x 270 x 57115,60 to +40150

TitleTypeLanguageDownload link
ComDry NX M160L-PS-PT-BR-202412productsheetPortugueseView
ComDry NX M160L-PS-PL-202412productsheetPolishView