Installation, start-up and commissioning for dehumidification equipment

Rely on Munters installation, start-up and commissioning services for total peace of mind

Correct installation is critical to optimizing equipment performance, successfully completing projects, and preventing excessive energy use. Depending on your needs, our experts can be on site to help you every step of the way, from selecting the right equipment for your specific requirements to supervising the installation process and starting up the system to achieve optimal design conditions. Before leaving your facility, they explain the different maintenance plans and can help define a list of critical spare parts to stock, eliminating potential supply chain delays and providing total peace of mind.

Munters qualified service technicians carry out commissioning and validate your system. Your system must meet the warranty conditions, from installation inspection to an operating and system integration check, a performance validation with Munters Rotor Calculation (MRC) software, along with basic user training to ensure operational performance. Upon project completion, you receive a Munters system report.

Munters is turnkey supplier and installer at climate- controlled paper laboratory

With great success Ahlstrom-Munksjö had been operating Munters dehumidification equipment for climate control in one of their laboratories for a number of years. When faced with updating the lab, Ahlstrom-Munksjö trusted Munters to deliver a turnkey solution for the supply of the air treatment system needed to fulfill the strict demands, as well as the lab construction and interior  itself. That included, walls, ceiling, floors and lighting.

Munters Lifecycle Care

During its long lifetime, your Munters equipment goes through four lifecycle phases. No matter the phase, our service products and solutions ensure optimal operation and performance. Our offer covers everything from installation and thorough preventive maintenance to upgrades and help in designing the best replacement solutions when it’s finally time to renew your equipment.