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When Prices are Snowballing, Every Cocoa Bean Counts!

With the recent price increase of cocoa beans and other confectionery ingredients, can you pass the increase on to the consumers? In a recent webinar, Martin Ginty, Market Intelligence Manager Food Production at Munters, discusses how climate control is key to reducing production waste, and thereby to controlling cost.

There is always a risk for some waste in confectionery production and in storage of confectionery ingredients. However, with the predicted scarcity of ingredients such as cocoa beans, which has led to quite exceptional price increases, it’s becoming crucial to reduce the waste and use as much as possible of the ingredients purchased. It’s a question of cost management, but also of how much the consumers will swallow in terms of price increase of their chocolate bars, cookies, and breakfast cereals. 

Are your process and storage facilities fit for purpose? 

Poor humidity control in the storage facility affects the quality of the ingredients stored. Hence, by investing in a climate control system tailored to the needs of the operations, there is a good chance more of the cocoa and other ingredients will be fit for production. Appropriate humidity control will for instance prevent mold from establishing, as well as sticking or caking of the ingredients during storage. 

Webinar: Every Cocoa Bean Counts! Speaker. Martin Ginty, Munters (35 min) 

In this Munters webinar, Martin Ginty, Market Intelligence Manager Food Production at Munters, discusses the importance of maintaining an optimal indoor climate during ingredient storage. This is crucial to minimize waste of precious ingredients. It’s worth your 35 minutes! 

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