The Kalgoorlie Courts Project includes three magistrates’ courts, two jury courts and a range of mediation, registry and other support facilities. The site is the heritage-protected historic limestone Warden’s Court and Post Office building in the heart of Kalgoorlie’s heritage precinct.

Opening up the public domain to the landscaped courtyards, in combination with zoned air conditioning, makes it possible to naturally ventilate the entire public domain, saving on air conditioning for a large proportion of the year. The courtrooms may also be fully opened up and air conditioning shut down. An underground labyrinth pre-cools ambient air, thereby decreasing the size of the aircon plant and the amount of energy needed to run it.

Munter's Contribution

Munter’s were engaged by Jako Industries and Aurecon to provide an Evaporative Pre-cooler solution to the main air conditioning plant room. The unit is fitted to the main air intake louvers of this plant room, cooling the intake air utilised by the packaged air conditioning equipment. The air conditioning plant can operate more efficiently in a cooler environment when it’s most needed (in summer). Furthermore extending the equipment’s life time. Increased performance at low load provide equivalent COP values as high as 7:1 and provides a winning combination for this prestigious project.