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Sustainable development goals

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are a call to action to ensure prosperity and at the same time protect the planet. Munters supports all 17 SDGs and has identified the following goals where we feel that we have a greater impact and thereby an opportunity to make a difference.

SDG 13: Climate action

We can make a significant difference through our offering and in our own operations. Our products are energy-efficient and help customers in every segment to reduce their energy consumption.

Our most important actions:

  • Offer innovative products and solutions that help customers to improve their energy efficiency with high quality and thereby lengthen the service life of our products
  • Continuously reduce our own electricity consumption and increase the share of renewable electricity. Gradually increase the share of electric vehicle

SDG 5: Gender equality

We are convinced that diversity leads to greater innovation and 
higher profit. We will have a corporate culture distinguished by 
equal treatment and equal opportunities for everyone, as well as reasonable compensation. Therefore, we are also working to increase the share of Munters employees and leaders who are women.

Our most important actions

  • Anti-discrimination policy and work
  • Actively promote diversity and inclusion
  • Committed and actively working according to the UN Target Gender Equality program
  • Periodic surveys on employee engagement and experiences
  • External, independent whistleblower service

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

We will have a corporate culture distinguished by equal treatment and equal opportunities for everyone, as well as reasonable compensation. 

Our most important actions

  • Anti-discrimination policy and work
  • Actively promote diversity and inclusion
  • Committed and actively working according to the UN Target Gender Equality program
  • Periodic surveys on employee engagement and experiences
  • External, independent whistleblower service

SDG 2: Zero hunger

We offer energy-efficient climate cooling systems for agriculture and 
the food industry in a broad range of segments, from livestock and egg 
production to milk farms and greenhouses.

Our most important actions

  • To develop and offer products and solutions that optimize product quality while at the same time conserving energy and increasing productivity.

SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation

Our products can make a big difference, since they use less or no water in the processes where they are installed, an important competitive factor especially in the agricultural and data center segments. We also supply products and solutions that are necessary in the operation of waterworks and water treatment plants.

Our most important actions:

  • Offer water-efficient products
  • Improve water efficiency and treat wastewater in our own operations

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Munters will be an employer of choice. To ensure high employee motivation, the safety and well-being of our employees are our highest priority. We also want our major suppliers to share the same view of their employees as we have.

Our most important actions:

  • Working proactively to increase risk awareness and continuously improve routines and processes
  • Requirement that our major suppliers commit to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact through our Code of Conduct
  • We have signed the UN Global Compact

SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

We develop and supply products and solutions that have a positive impact on our customers and our own use of natural resources. Within the Group, we are working to minimize environmental impacts through systematic quality improvements.

Our most important actions:

  • When innovating, proactively choose products and solutions with a positive environmental impact
  • Efficient use of material and waste management
  • Service offer that extends the efficiency and lifespan of our products
  • Perform audits among our largest suppliers to ensure that they follow the Munters Code of Conduct

Other relevant SDG's

Munters also supports the following SDG's:
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institution