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ExpoVent Sweden

ExpoVent is Sweden's most important regional platform for industry news and networking. Meet Munters in Växjö, Jönköping, and Norrköping.

  • 2025-05-20 04:00:00 - 2025-05-22 08:00:00
  • Växjö, Jönköping, and Norrköping

​ExpoVent, organized by Slussen.biz, is back in Växjö, Jönköping, and Norrköping.
Meet Munters to discuss climate control solutions tailored to your industry and seize a great offer.

Växjö: May 20
10 AM - 2 PM

Jönköping: May 21
10 AM - 2 PM

Norrköping: May 22
10 AM - 2 PM

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