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Munters Wall Inlet (MWI)

Boost animal welfare with the Munters Wall Inlet (MWI), made entirely of plastic. It controls fresh air entry into livestock housing without creating drafts while maintaining an optimal indoor temperature.


  • Optimal supply airflow without drafts
  • Modular design suitable for any livestock housing
  • Channels air along the ceiling, preventing escape
  • Optional air deflector achieves ideal air distribution

Products in this series

ModelLength (mm)Height (mm)Airflow at static pressure at 20Pa (m3/h) Automatic opening (a.o.)/closing (a.c.)Product sheetUser manual
MWI 34089442892491AutomaticOpening
MWI 34139444103830AutomaticOpening
MWI 410811222893084AutomaticOpening
MWI 411311224104716AutomaticOpening
MWI 440811982893158AutomaticOpening
MWI 441311984105026AutomaticOpening

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AIR DEFLECTOR KIT_assembly and installation instructions 2021.pdfAdditionalManualEnglishView
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WALL GUIDE KIT_assembly and installation instructions 2021.pdfAdditionalManualEnglishView
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