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Controllers and automation accessories

AirC Wireless

Make more informed decisions with the Munters AirC Wireless climate control system. This smart indoor climate control solution optimizes temperature and humidity in all essential parts of your facility, equipment and processes, enhancing product quality, productivity and well-being.


  • Smart indoor climate control
  • Remote monitoring and control
  • Full coverage with wired and wireless sensors
  • Full-color monitor and user-friendly interface
  • Easy installation and plug-and-play commissioning
  • Built-in alarm system
  • Scheduled maintenance reminders

ModelUser manual
AirC Wireless

TitleTypeLanguageDownload link
AirC Wireless-Intergration Guide-EN-202212.pdfAdditionalManualEnglishView
AirC Wireless-BR-EN-202309brochureEnglishView
AirC Wireless-BR-DE-202310brochureGermanView
AirC Wireless-BR-DA-202403brochureDanishView
AirC Wireless-BR-BE-FR-202410brochureFrenchView
AirC Wireless-BR-BE-NL-202410brochureDutchView