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Portable dehumidifiers

MK NX Series

The Munters MK dehumidifier removes moisture from the air in small spaces using an environmentally friendly refrigerant. This lightweight, portable unit keeps relative humidity constant and prevents unnecessary dehumidification, automatically adjusting settings using integrated or external sensor data.


  • Intelligent humidity control
  • Integrated RH/T sensor
  • Lightweight, portable unit
  • Durable, robust construction
  • High dehumidification capacity
  • Easy to operate and maintain

Products in this series

ModelW x D x H (mm)Operating temperature range (°C)Maximum airflow (m3/h)Product sheetUser manual
MK35 NX509 x 385 x 8603 - 35420
MK55 NX539 x 445 x 8463 - 35550
MK75 NX548 x 495 x 9073 - 35900
MK95 NX548 x 495 x 9173 - 35900
MK200345 x 495 x 5272 - 35342