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The Toms Group employs 1,200 people, with companies in Scandinavia, Germany, Poland and a strong international presence. Famous brands include Toms, Anthon Berg, Pingvin and BonBon. After many years of positive experience with 20 existing Munters drying cabinets, the Toms Group selected the indoor climate experts once again to supply the complete installation of 8 drying cabinets, incorporating Munters’ MX² desiccant dehumidifiers.

Quick facts

  • Air treatment systems always operate with optimal performance
  • No costly interruptions or production stops
  • Budgeting made easier by clear costs
  • No internal resources necessary for maintenance

The MX2 series covers airflows from 3,000-9,500 m³/h and has a range of energy recovery options, as well as modulating control and an extensive display for monitoring and controlling the system. The combi drying cabinets at Toms Copenhagen are flexible and suitable for drying of wine gum and licorice products. These confectionery products are molded in trays with starch-flour, wherein the desired shape is embossed. The solidification period of the products varies over several days. During the drying period it is of utmost importance that both rate of air exchange, the temperature and the relative humidity is strictly controlled. Based on several years of experience of drying cabinets, Munters designed a solution that met Toms requirements.

The ideal solution

“We appreciate the well-established close contact we have with Munters,” says Technical Project Manager Carsten Carstensen, “as well as Munters’ long experience, know-how and high service level. Because of this, we decided to leave the complete installation to Munters as our preferred supplier.” The MX² dehumidifiers supplying the dry air for the cabinets, ensure the maximum performance and capacity at the lowest energy consumption possible. A range of specific demands for different types of confectionery to be dried, means control of the operation of fans, dehumidifiers, heating and cooling coils is critical to ensure constant and high product quality year-round, independent of fluctuations in ambient temperature and humidity. Each drying cabinet has a volume of 260 m³ and can contain up to 13 tons of licorice and gum confectionery products.

Quick facts

  • Air treatment systems always operate with optimal performance
  • No costly interruptions or production stops
  • Budgeting made easier by clear costs
  • No internal resources necessary for maintenance

Related Product series


Standalone dehumidifiers