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Munters awarded best climber in Webranking

Dez 4, 2018

Last week Munters was awarded Best Climber in Comprend’s yearly Swedish Web Ranking.

Established in 1997, Webranking is Europe’s leading survey of corporate websites – evaluating 500-900 websites yearly - and the only global ranking that is based on stakeholder expectations.

Every year, they investigate the communication needs of corporate audiences and then evaluate corporate websites based on those needs. This allows companies to understand what issues need to be addressed.

Munters climbed an impressive 35 places from last year. We are now on place 56 out of 116 companies in Sweden.

“The Web Ranking results shows us that the efforts we made last year paid off. This gives us even more energy to keep improving the site, both in terms of content and structure”, says Sofie Berglund, Global Webmaster at Munters.  

Read the full list of Swedish Companies 

Read the article on how Swedish companies performe on Comprend's site

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