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Mrz 28

ContaminExpo 2023

Mrz 28 09:30 - Mrz 30 16:00

From 28 to 30 March, you can find Munters at ContamineExpo. Visit our air treatment specialists on stand A16.

ContaminExpo is the leading event in the field of contamination control and cleanrooms in France. A trade show and scientific conference that brings together all those involved in contamination control in cleanrooms, controlled environments and containment areas.

Visit us at stand A16 and speak to our specialists about the benefits of climate control.

Register for the event


Ensure optimal hygiene hygiene using dehumidification

By controlling the climate in the production environment, you ensure optimal hygiene. At the same time, you ensure energy savings and increased productivity by installing a dehumidification system tailored to specific needs.

See below a brief overview of benefits achieved with the right humidity control solution:

  • Prevention of condensation
    Improve hygiene in the production environment by preventing condensation.

  • Improve energy efficiency
    With dehumidification, you increase production efficiency and reduce energy costs.

  • Ensure employee safety
    By optimising the climate in your facilities, you automatically create a better working environment for your employees.

Dehumidification in the pharma industry

Humidity control is an important factor for stable and predictable pharmaceutical as well as nutraceutical production. From R&D labs to bulk production, humidity can affect both the chemical and mechanical properties of formulations, which can lead to quality issues and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) challenges.

Laboratory and pharmaceutical product dehumidification systems can be the right solution to help prevent moisture issues during the production process for tablets, capsules, powders, and strips.

Read all about Munters climate control solutions dedicated to the Pharma industry.

Learn more


Parktical info about the event

Opening hours:

- Tuesday 28 March 2023
  From 9.30 am to 6 pm

- Wednesday 29 March 2023
  From 9am to 6pm

- Thursday 30 March 2023
   From 9am to 4pm


- Paris Expo Porte de Versailles - Hall 5.1


Read more about the event.

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