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Italian customers find Munters reliable

pro 20, 2021

Munters in Italy has achieved the status of CRIBIS Prime Company, which means that Italian customers think that the company is reliable to do business with.

CRIBIS Prime Company certification is based on the CRIBIS D&B (Dun & Bradstreet) rating, which evaluates the reliability of Italian and foreign companies. Less than 10% of more than six million Italian companies achieve the status of CRIBIS Prime Company annually. 

This recognition is awarded exclusively to companies that maintain steadily the highest levels of reliability and are virtuous partners in their commercial dealings. The companies’ analysis takes into consideration several factors, from budgetary reports and financial strength to business risk and payment experiences. 

Managing Director Daniela Giglioli, pictured in the center of the photo, received the CRIBIS Prime Company certification on behalf of Munters Italy SpA on October 29.

"We are very proud of this recognition because it confirms our company's financial soundness," she says. “Despite the difficult period we are experiencing, we have managed to stay safe, healthy and strong.”

For more information about CRIBIS, click here

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