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Platinum 30 Expansion.png

Product launch: Platinum Expansion 30 relay model Controller

úno 14, 2018

Munters is proud to introduce the Platinum Expansion Unit, 30 Relays. The Platinum Expansion provides a cost-effective method of adding another 30 relays to your controller.

The 30 Relay Unit serves as an addition to the existing Platinum Expansion, 50 Relays. A Platinum Pro or Platinum Touch Controller can support one Expansion unit. Ailon Tamir, Munters Israel International Sales Manager: "In addition to the Expansion's existing features, the Platinum Expansion, 30 Relays has two other important features. Its small size makes it simple to install. Plus it can also be ordered with 10 or 20 relays. Putting these two features together makes this Platinum Expansion unit the ideal accessory for someone looking for a limited number of additional relays". For more information on the Platinum Expansion, click here.

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