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Munters Selected as Basis of Design for U.S. Organic Grocer

kvě 24, 2017

Providing a fresh and comfortable environment for employees and customers a top priority

Munters has been selected as basis of design on the new construction of stores for the leading organic grocer’s 365 market stores (of which construction began in 2016). These stores incorporate new concepts in design including coffee and wine bars, vegan restaurants and more robotic automation. With sales of organic products increasing each year, the grocer plans to grow to 470 U.S. locations over the course of several years.

Munters is specified on the new 365 stores to treat makeup air coming into the store. In most climates, each store will require two Munters DOAS systems each treating 6,000 scfm. Delivering the makeup air into the space at a 45°F Dew Point will ensure a fresh and comfortable environment for employees and customers while saving energy dollars.

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