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Munters Made

We engineered and designed the Munters Drive motor specifically for the agriculture industry. We maintain control of the manufacturing, assembly and function of the motor. These things are not sourced from a motor supplier who may not understand the agricultural industry’s specific needs.

Munters is one of the world’s leading suppliers of innovative, energy-efficient climate systems for livestock farming and greenhouses, as well as software for controlling and optimizing the entire food production value chain.

While our motor gives farmers more control of their climate, we don’t leave them to do it on their own. The relationships we build are just as important as the products, and we take a special interest in how each of our clients’ farms is doing.

The Munters Method:

  • Manage Installation: We can oversee your Munters Drive installation, helping to design and optimize your ventilation system based on your specific operations.
  • Follow Up: Frequent follow-ups allow us to make sure your ventilation systems are performing properly and to immediately address any issues.

A Greener Approach:

We aim to improve our planet by helping reduce our customers’ carbon footprint and lower their energy demand and costs. When you choose Munters—a no-waste, energy-saving, animal welfare, green company—your products become more appealing to end customers.

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Něco se pokazilo. Zkuste to, prosím, znovu.